Interventions 24.2 (May 2014)

We’re pleased to launch this new website for the international journal Contemporary Theatre Review. The website is designed as a companion to the print journal, providing a gateway to the journal contents as well as specially developed online features that add to and extend the themes of the journal. These online Interventions will be published on the website quarterly, on the same schedule as the print journal.

We intend these Interventions to be an opportunity to showcase materials that complement the topics explored in the journal, making use of multimedia and images in a way that is not possible within the printed journal. This month we have a collection of artist films and interviews that come out of the symposium Beyond Glorious, which is featured in the Backpages section of issue 24.2; and an extended dialogue between artists and thinkers working across a mix of disciplines and forms, recorded as part of the ongoing research project Performance Matters that is the subject of a roundtable discussion in the Documents section of issue 24.1.

Interventions might also be an opportunity to revisit issues explored in previous pages of Contemporary Theatre Review, as well as a chance to respond to ongoing developments. In this issue, we invited Yana Meerzon and Lynne McCarthy to contribute ‘flash responses’ to the 2014 Sochi Olympics from a theatre and performance studies perspective, drawing implicitly and explicitly on scholarship on the 2012 London Olympics collected in a previous special issue of the journal. We will also invite journal authors to contribute online provocations that stem from their work, but perhaps take it in a new direction. Here, Geraldine Harris, whose discussion of ‘post-post-feminism’ appears in the latest print issue, comments on the proliferation of online parodies of Robin Thicke’s controversial song and video ‘Blurred Lines’.

In future issues, we will respond to the themes of special issues and forums, and commission new Interventions from journal authors, artists, and other scholars. If you are planning a contribution to the journal, or are otherwise interested in suggesting content for the website, please see our guidance for contributors and contact the editorial team. We welcome your suggestions and feedback.

– Adam Alston, Johanna Linsley, Elyssa Livergant, and Theron Schmidt, Interventions editorial team