Queer Practice

Editorial, Winter 2023

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Confession of the Rabbit God

Hongwei Bao imagines an evocative monologue for the fictional clerk Hu Tianbao, who appears in a short story of Qing Dynasty Chinese scholar Yuan Mei

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Fanchuan and Bianzhuang: Ways of Doing Drag in Contemporary China

Hongwei Bao problematises the umbrella term of “drag” by discussing two categories of drag in contemporary China: fanchuan and bianzhuang.

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Swan Twink

The performance text for Andrew Sutherland’s Swan Twink subversively uses the iconic, almost mythical, status of the classic Swan Lake to create a queerly intimate, personal and vulnerable performance.

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Searching in the Shadows: Queer Aesthetics in Performance Lighting

Lighting designer Emma Lockhart-Wilson posits strategies of subversion, fluidity and drawing attention to bodily labour as ways to explore queerness in three performances.

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An Autoethnographic Reflection in 4 Repetitive Titles on the Blend of Auto and Fiction in Where My Accent Comes From

Ibrahim Halaçoglu’s decolonial performative text invokes the idea of the meddah, or a traditional storyteller and mimic, for a self-reflexive critical monologue on migration, freedom and identity.

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Locating Care

Gemma Hutton and Greg Thorpe, interviewed by Alyson Campbell, Meta Cohen and Stephen Farrier.

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