This issue is available on Taylor & Francis Online:
Notes on Contributors
Pages: 275-277
Feminisms Now
Sarah Gorman, Geraldine Harris & Jen Harvie
Pages: 278-284
Feminist Performance Forensics
Natalie Alvarez & Keren Zaiontz
Pages: 285-298
Enter Stage Left: ‘Recognition’, ‘Redistribution’, and the A-Affect
Elaine Aston
Pages: 299-309
Not ‘Just This Girl Theatre’: Half Straddle’s Feminine Aesthetics Come of Age
Jessica Del Vecchio
Pages: 310-319
‘Talkin’ Up to the White Woman’: Intersections of Race and Gender in Hot Brown Honey
Sarah French
Pages: 320-331
Boom! Adversarial Ageism, Chrononormativity, and the Anthropocene
Jen Harvie
Pages: 332-344
‘Them the Breaks’: #WakingTheFeminists and Staging the Easter/Estrogen Rising
Miriam Haughton
Pages: 345-354
Aesthetics of South African Women’s Embodied Activism: Staging Complicity
Yvette Hutchison
Pages: 355-366
Performing Solidarity: Affirmation, Difference and Debility in Project O’s SWAGGA
Caoimhe Mader McGuinness
Pages: 367-377
British Muslim Feminisms on Stage
Meenakshi Ponnuswami
Pages: 378-389
‘Killing Joy as a World Making Project’: Anger in the Work of debbie tucker green
Trish Reid
Pages: 390-400
Encountering Performing (M)Others: Feminist Maternal Practice in Contemporary Performance
Lena Šimić
Pages: 401-412

Book Reviews
Women, Collective Creation, and Devised Performance: The Rise of Women Theatre Artists in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries edited by Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva and Scott Proudfit
Roberta Mock
Pages: 413-414
Living a Feminist Life by Sara Ahmed
Kim Solga
Pages: 414-415
Political Acts: Women in Northern Irish Theatre, 1921-2012 by Fiona Coleman Coffey
Tanya Dean
Pages: 415-417
Staging Queer Feminisms: Sexuality and Gender in Australian Performance, 2005-2015 by Sarah French
Eirini Kartsaki
Pages: 417-418
Women in Asian Performance: Aesthetics and Politics edited by Arya Madhavan
Susan Philip
Pages: 418-419
Performance, Feminism and Affect in Neoliberal Times edited by Elin Diamond, Denise Varney and Candice Amich
Swati Arora
Pages: 419-421
The Only Way Home is Through the Show: Performance Work of Lois Weaver edited by Jen Harvie and Lois Weaver
Eleanor Roberts
Pages: 421-422
Kira O’Reilly: Untitled (Bodies) edited by Harriet Curtis and Martin Hargreaves
Johanna Linsley
Pages: 422-423
Hurting and Hurling the Body in Feminist Performance, Tip of Her Tongue, a Performance Series at the Broad Museum, Los Angeles, 2016–17
Amelia Jones
Pages: 424-427
How About We Start a Revolution? Polish women at the crossroads
Kataarzyna Kułakowska and Agata Łuksza
Pages: 427-430
Purni Morell: An Appreciation
Tim Crouch
Pages: 430-431
Sarah Kane and Blasted: The Arcade Game?
Richard Ashby
Pages: 431-433
Pages: 434-440