Latest journal: Volume 28, Issue 2

Read the latest issue of this international peer-reviewed journal that engages with the crucial issues and innovations in theatre today. Each issue includes in-depth articles addressing a range of topics and forms, reflections on the creative process collected in the Documents section, book reviews, and Backpages, a forum for immediate responses to current events from scholars and practitioners.

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Interventions 28.2

Duška Radosavljević introduces this special issue of CTR Interventions on the controversial European theatre director Oliver Frljić.

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Oliver Frljić interviewed by Duška Radosavljević

Oliver Frljić discusses his early encounters with the theatre in Split and Zagreb, key productions in his oeuvre, and international collaborations.

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Dissensual Politics of Performance

Andrej Mirčev explores the controversy that greeted Our Violence and Your Violence (2016) when it premiered in Split, Croatia, through Jacques Rancière’s concept of dissensus.

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Who’s afraid of Oliver Frljić?

Aljoscha Begrich, dramaturg at Gorki Theater Berlin, reflects on the many Frljić productions and many Frljić’s he has encountered before working on the new Gorki – Alternative für Deutschland.

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Teatr Powszechny: Frljić’s theatre playground

Agnieszka Jakimiak, dramaturg on The Curse, reflects on that production and its controversy, arguing that Frljić’s work attempts to dismantle the complicity of representation with power.

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What on earth is happening in Poland? On Klątwa, protest, and a new regime

Bryce Lease discusses the protests that followed the premiere of Klątwa (The Curse) in Warsaw, in the context of political transformations and firings of artistic directors in Poland.

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