This issue is available on Taylor & Francis Online:
Notes on Contributors
Pages: 161-162
Pages: 163-164
Aural Spatiality and Sonic Materiality: Attending to the Space of Sound in Performances by Ivo Dimchev and Alma Söderberg
Rebecca Collins
Pages: 165-178
‘Concentrated, Polysemous, Literary Act’: Every House has a Door Reads Jay Wright’s Three Matadores Play
Will Daddario
Pages: 179-195
In the Shadow of a Dancer: Light as Dramaturgy in Contemporary Performance
Katherine Graham
Pages: 196-209
How Tate Modern Became the Musée de la Danse
Gabriella Giannachi, Peter Tolmie & Acatia Finbow
Pages: 210-223
Performing Memory, Challenging History: Two Adaptations of The Unknown Soldier
Julia Pajunen & Hanna Korsberg
Pages: 224-234
From Global London to Global Shakespeare
Aneta Mancewicz
Pages: 235-246
Theatre Theory Reader: Prague School Writings edited by David Drozd, Tomáš Kačer, and Don Sparling
Clare Wallace
Pages: 247-248
Performing Korea by Patrice Pavis, translated by Joel Anderson
Jungmin Song
Pages: 248-249
After ’89: Polish Theatre and the Political by Bryce Lease
Anna R. Burzyńska
Pages: 249-251
Theatre of Real People: Diverse Encounters at Berlin’s Hebbel am Ufer and Beyond by Ulrike Garde and Meg Mumford
Tom Cantrell
Pages: 251-252
Performance, Transport and Mobility: Making Passage by Fiona Wilkie
Kyle Gillette
Pages: 252-253
Reckoning with Spirit in the Paradigm of Performance by Donnalee Dox
Katharina Pewny
Pages: 253-255
Theatre, Time and Temporality: Melting Clocks and Snapped Elastics by David Ian Rabey
Sarah Grochala
Pages: 255-256
Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday by Gabriella Giannachi
Raz Weiner
Pages: 256-257
Hidden in Plain Sight: In-ear monitoring as/with Andrew Schneider
Peter Musante
Pages: 258-261
America is Hard to See: Investigative Theatre for Modern Times
An Interview with Travis Russ & Priscilla Holbrook
Amelia Parenteau
Pages: 261-264
How Estonian is it?
Mischa Twitchin
Pages: 264-268
On being middle-class whatever that means
Megan Vaughan
Pages: 268-270
Peter Hall: In Memoriam
Dan Rebellato
Pages: 270-271
Pages: 272-274