Latest journal: Volume 28, Issue 2

This issue is available on Taylor & Francis Online:

Cover Illustration: Ivo Dimchev, Lili Handel, 2004. Photograph: Youlian Tabakov, reproduced with permission.

Notes on Contributors
Pages: 161-162

Pages: 163-164


Aural Spatiality and Sonic Materiality: Attending to the Space of Sound in Performances by Ivo Dimchev and Alma Söderberg
Rebecca Collins
Pages: 165-178

‘Concentrated, Polysemous, Literary Act’: Every House has a Door Reads Jay Wright’s Three Matadores Play
Will Daddario
Pages: 179-195

In the Shadow of a Dancer: Light as Dramaturgy in Contemporary Performance
Katherine Graham
Pages: 196-209


How Tate Modern Became the Musée de la Danse
Gabriella Giannachi, Peter Tolmie & Acatia Finbow
Pages: 210-223

Performing Memory, Challenging History: Two Adaptations of The Unknown Soldier
Julia Pajunen & Hanna Korsberg
Pages: 224-234

From Global London to Global Shakespeare
Aneta Mancewicz
Pages: 235-246

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