This issue is available on Taylor & Francis Online:
Notes on Contributors
Pages: 441-442
Pages: 443-444
Genet’s ‘Rituals of the Oppressed’ and the Main Stage: Benedict Andrews’s The Maids at Sydney Theatre Company
Margaret Hamilton
Pages: 445-460
Tendre et cruel in Rehearsal: Repetition and Seeing outside the Frame
Cynthia Running-Johnson
Pages: 461-475
Paranoia and Narrative of Alterity in Thomas Ostermeier’s Hamlet
Aida Bahrami
Pages: 476-487
How to End Poverty in 90 Minutes: Maximizing Participation and Managing Risk in the Work of Sojourn Theatre
Elliot Leffler
Pages: 488-503
Making the Intercultural: The Rehearsal Processes of Gintersdorfer/Klassen
Rahel Leupin
Pages: 504-521

Book Reviews
Joined Forces: Audience Participation in Theatre, edited by Anna R. Burzyńskae
Stephen Bottoms
Pages: 537-538
Experiencing Liveness in Contemporary Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Matthew Reason and Anja Mølle Lindelofs
Sarah Hoover
Pages: 538-539
The Sixties, Center Stage: Mainstream and Popular Performances in a Turbulent Decade, edited by James M. Harding and Cindy Rosenthal
Matthew Bent
Pages: 540-541
Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War, edited by Christopher B. Balme and Berenika Szymanski-Düll
Helen Gush
Pages: 541-542
Contemporary Portuguese Theatre: Experimentalism, Politics and Utopia [Working Title], edited by Rui Pina Coelho, translated by Rosa Churcher Clarke and Scott Culp
Diana Damian Martin
Pages: 542-543
New Playwriting at Shakespeare’s Globe, by Vera Cantoni
Catriona Fallow
Pages: 543-545
Theatre, Exhibition, and Curation: Displayed and Performed, by Georgina Guy
Harriet Curtis
Pages: 545-546
Props, by Eleanor Margolies
Aoife Monks
Pages: 546-547
Crowns after 15 Years
Anna Morton
Pages: 548-550
Brexit Shorts: Dramas from a Divided Nation
Chris Megson
Pages: 550-553
The Racist Case for Diversity?
Tom Cornford
Pages: 553-556
Pages: 561-564